Living up to my God given potential

The Great Commission "Go out and make disciples of all nations."

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Teaching and preaching

Recently, a friend and I were discussing how much we had learned over the last few years, in our journey(s) of faith. Here are some lessons I have learned, along my journey.

-If I woke up this morning, God isn't done with me, yet.
-From a hike on a mountain in Colorado: "Just a little farther," may be what God is telling you, when you have hit a plateau on any goal. (and) The feeling of "I'm not going to make it..." doesn't matter, once you get to the top.
-If you're not on your knees daily, God will drive you there. Also, He will lead you to where he needs you.
-God ALWAYS answers prayers. The answer may not be the one you think it needs to be, and it may not be in the timing you want it to be. Just like a good parent, sometimes the answer is "not right now," or "maybe later."
-The best things in life are worth waiting for. If it's not worth waiting for, it's probably not worth it to begin with. That doesn't mean don't take advantages of opportunities, when they present themselves. An opportunity may never return again.
-I'd rather regret doing something, than regret not trying. Living a life without regrets, does not mean a life without risk. If you really thought about it, many of us would not exist if wasn't for someone taking a risk. Ancestors taking the risk of crossing an ocean. A young man taking the risk of walking across the room to ask a young lady to dance. An adventurous couple taking the risk offered during the "Homestead Act," or following the Oregon Trail.
-Never turn down coffee, especially with an old friend. You never know what you'll learn.
-"Tears teach" (Dr. Robin Smith) It's up to us to learn the lesson.
-It's better to learn how to get out of Hell, than it is to learn how to install and operate an air conditioning system into Hell. (paraphrased from Dr. Robin Smith)

General observations:
-"the poor will be rich." has been proven with the fall of many financial businesses. The good Lord giveth, and he taketh away. Along the same lines...when a giant falls, they will often take smaller people with them.
-It's amazing what a child hears, when you really don't think they are listening or even paying attention to you.

I'm not done, I'm still on my journey!

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