Living up to my God given potential

The Great Commission "Go out and make disciples of all nations."

Sunday, November 2, 2008

10 months down 2 to go

Yesterday, I earned my Lifetime membership at Weight Watchers. As long as I am within 2 lbs of my goal (going over...under can be as much as 1o lbs.,) I don't have to pay for a meeting. As for becoming a WW Leader, that will have to wait until I move to OR. However, I am currently in training to be a WW Receptionist. The territory manager has agreed to help me transfer, when I move, as well as put in a recommendation to put me through Leader training.
Mid-term for this quarter is this week. Hating Anatomy with a passion. May have to retake this class, in person, next time. The Women's Issues class is going well. In 10 days, I sign up for the Winter quarter. At the rate I'm going, I will probably have to take a Foreign Language course, this summer, at Clackamas Community College. Unfortunately, the two classes which are available (in Lincoln) are 4 days a week classes. One is during the day, and the boss won't let me take time off. The other is right after work, which would mean I don't get home until 7:30 Mon-Thurs.
Holding steady and staying on track in this category. Had a welcome surprise when I got my natural gas bill in Oct. Due to a rebate (given to all customers,) it was onlyl $12!
Only thing on the radar is the trip to Oregon in January. I'm taking the girls to visit Portland, so they have an idea of what to expect when we move.
This is still a work in progress. Some time in November, I am renting a dumpster to do a whole house + garage clean. My home office is half completed. It had become a dumping area...when in doubt, put it in the office. As the saying goes, one step at a time...or "the only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time."


Janell said...

Good job all the way around. Keep up the good progress.

Sue said...

Can't wait to see your office organized. That is really an elephant.

Oregon pictures